Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Day in the ER!

On Sunday, October 26 I woke up to a stabbing pain below my left shoulder blade which I would find out later was my lung.

After 8 hours of waiting, blood work, x-rays and CT Scan it was ruled that I had Viral Pleurisy. I have never experienced pain like that in my life. The doctor said I couldn't have any anti-biotics due to the pregnancy but oddly enough they gave me a prescription of Vicodin. I've never had a Vicodin and don't plan to anytime soon. I think I will stick with Tylenol...really!

So, after some much needed rest on Monday, I was able to get back to a normal work routine. Scott's in Chicago this week and I leave for New Orleans on Halloween night! I haven't been to NOLA since June and I am ready to go!

The baby is doing fine....we are 10 weeks and 1 day as of today. I did go back to the doctor on Tuesday and things are progressing as normal. They were still concerned about my wheezing in my left lung, but shouldn't be harming the baby.

I go back again on November 12 for a 12 week check up.

Just wanted to update everyone on whats going on.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Prenatal Appointment

We had our first prenatal appointment October 1. The visit didn't consist much of anything except: urine test, weight and BP. We found out that we are due May 27. Its still hard to imaginge but its exciting. The morning sickness comes in waves. As long as I have something in my system ALL the time I am good. I am dealing with a lot of headaches, but they said that comes with early pregnancy. The good thing is I can take Tylenol.

I am hoping for a boy, but we'll be excited either way!